
Como do paneles de solaros work?

We will tell a little bit about how exactly these solar panels can transform light from the sun to energy.

Did you know that in Spain the sun can produce up to 60% more energy than in Northern Europe?

Generating electricity

When the sun, or light from the sun, shines on a panel current flows from the positive to the negative side of the solar cells in the panel. This current is being transported to an inverter that inverts this AC (Alternating Current)to  DC (direct current). DC can be used to power all electric devices in your house. It is that easy 🙂

2 options to use the solar electricity

Connected (common)

With a connected installation the unused generated electricity will be transported back to the energy provider. When there is a shortage of electricity (at night for example) the energy provider will supply energy back to you. The difference between those two will be deducted later. 

This is much cheaper than off grid. 


Off grid

An off grid installation stores the unused generated electricity in a battery. When there is a shortage of electricity (at night for example) the battery will provide energy. The amount of electricity that can be stored depends on the capacity of the battery.