
Save on your energy bill

Solar panels save you a lot, a lot, of money every year on your energy bill. Because energy from the sun is free, as long as there is sun: energy will be free. The only costs you will have are the installation of the solar panels. Within less then 5 years these costs will be earned back. In our calculator you can see a clear overview of how much money you would save in your specific case.

Save the environment

Solar panels are, besides cheap, a a very clean source of energy. Solar panels have about 20 times less C02 emissions than electricity produced with brown coal. CO2 emissions of solar panels are also about 10 times less than electricity produced with natural gas

CO2 emissions per source

(lower is better)

Brown coal
1,183 KG C02 per kWh of electricity
Natural Gas
0,572 KG C02 per kWh of electricity
Solar power
0,05 KG C02 per kWh of electricity

Generate your own electricity

Besides the benefits for your wallet and the planet it is also just super cool to be able to generate your own electricity. We even offer possibilities to go off-grid. In this case you generate your own electricity and store it, apart from the rest of the net. Read more about it here